An Inconsistent person with no concrete ideas.
Age 20, Male
An Illustrator
Joined on 2/21/21
Posted by MMFan2004 - December 31st, 2024
Oh man... 2024 is coming to a close and 2025 is upon us. Well, i think it's time to recap the work that i have done this year of 2024, which isn't as much as i was hoping for, but it was the best start for what's to come hopefully for me.
First off the animation that i made is called ""Mario Wakes up Kirby". Based on a Mario Alarm clock that i found somewhere.
I also tried improve my drawing skills for the most part this year. So here some example i made.
But the one that i have worked on the most is the collabs that have participating here on Newgrounds.
The first one is the CD-I Collab, hosted by DextagetHood
It was a collab about, what if CD-I kept making games just beyond Hotel Mario and Legend of Zelda?
And that's what it is. I make my own CD-i interpretation of Night at the Museum, called: Larry Museum of the Night.
Another collab that i participated is Wallpaper 2.0 Collab by ejulia14. Where you have made a new wallpaper for Newgrounds. Although by presentation, it was very weak, but the submissions is really good. For me? I made two submissions for this collab. One on Alien Hominid and the other is Sublo & Tangy Mustard.
But before i close this recap, i want to tell you about the other collab that i was participating in but was never able to finish the work. And that is my work on the NGTV.
This is an idea that i working on back in 2022 about making a bumper based on the old Cartoon Network for Pico Day which was about different time periods zoomed in from the Stone Age to the Futuristic Age (or at least Retro-Future). But long story short, i got frustrated with making this especially rushing out to completion. Because of this, the bumper idea was shelved for the time being until 2024 when i participated for the NGTV collab, twice. First one is based on Summer, and both on Christmas. And i am unfortunately still unable to finish it. (Although the entire backgrounds is completed)
a snippet of the new version of the bumper.
While i was tried to rush to finish this, someone said to me that this bumper should be fitting more as a something for 30th anniversary of Newgrounds instead. And i was like, "maybe you're right". And thus i halted this creation of the bumper for a time atleast.
And, that's all i have to say. So hopefully 2025 would be a better year at-least for me. Maybe i will to finish the bumper that i was dreaming to finish. But who knows. I just saying that i hope you guys have a Happy New Year. :)
Posted by MMFan2004 - May 14th, 2024
Hey, uhh... It's been a while since I made the last news post here. So you might be wondering what I have been doing for the past one and a half months. Well, for a long story short, I have turned 20 today which is no surprise if you know it already in my bio. But for me, when I turned 20 today, I felt some kind of identity crisis which I have had for the past 2 years. Still, I began to realize it after I reached 20, and felt overwhelmed with stuff that I saw, especially on the internet with drama, seeing people being vile and terrible on social media, or looking at recent news with all of the fears such as ongoing wars, and artificial intelligence impact on people's lives. But at the same time, with my life ahead of me, I still have a chance to do something, a chance to make people happy whether it's in real- life, or on the Internet. I don't know how it will be for me in another 10 years, whether the world will be worse, or better.
Ok, enough with all that philosophical mumbo-jumbo, so I decided to tell you guys what I will be doing right now and what I will be doing in the future. I am currently making an entry for the CD-i collab that was hosted dextergetgood Discord server, as well as being on NGTV Summer Bash, reworking on my scrapped Pico Day bumper from 2 years ago. I also want to change my username, "MMFan2004". This was something that I had been thinking of since December of 2023, but I changed my mind for a while. But now, I changed my mind again. The reason why I wanted to change my username is because my current user (that you guys can see on YouTube), isn't much suitable for me anymore. I picked "MMFAN2004" which was a short term for MarioMixelsFan2004, I because I used to be big fan of the two video game and LEGO franchises, Mario, and Mixels, when I was just a kid back in 2016. Though nowadays, I feel the name is pretty cringeworthy to me, and doesn't represent my current self.
So yeah, that's all I have to say.
Posted by MMFan2004 - December 29th, 2023
Well yeah... It seems 2023 is almost over and 2024 will be upon us. Well, this year i didn't really do much anything this year aside of improving my art-skills and making a Bugbo-Strawberry Clock cartoon and some stuff on my YouTube Channel. And i mostly failed to accomplished my goals for 2023 especially with all of the events that was happening in this year. I guess moral of this story is to not making a new year resolution or goals especially if the goals were too ambitious and that you are not gonna making it due to personal issues, pre-occupied with some other stuff or just pure laziness. Well i hope 2024 i tried my best to make something. Possibly? Well, that's all i have to say for now. So Happy New Year and i hope you have good time. Peace!